
Started by Masamune, June 26, 2005, 09:55:25 AM

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:D Easily the best show I saw at Disneyland Paris when I visited in April...IT'S GOT PINK ELEPHANTS DAMNIT! :P That show was so wonderful, and it was amazing how they made it work... :) who else has seen it and what do you think about it?


I've seen the show twice, first in october 2002 and then again in april 2004.  It's a beautiful show, very very unique and with some superb music and puppetry - even though you know they're puppets it's still possible to be totally drawn into it!  I especially like the puppet version of Donald they have, the way they get him to dance is so cool - did you know that apparently it takes 4 people to control just that one puppet?!  :o

Have said that though, when they changed the show in late 2002 they did make it so less puppeteers are needed.  Personally I didn't see much of a difference - I think they actually improved the show with those changes since the new Little Mermaid scene is far better than the old Monstro (Pinocchio) one.  I'm not sure if you saw that one, but it was basically just Donald and characters from Pinocchio on the raft in the film and then a large projection of Monstro appeared behind them.  The new Little Mermaid section with "Under the Sea" is much more lively and provides an extra chance for the puppeteers to show off their skills - the way they control flounder is so realistic!  They've got the movements of a fish completely perfected!  :D

I know some people don't like seeing the show more than once, and for some it's just not their kind of thing, but overall I think it's an important part of the studios.  It's very European and very unique to our park.  In the future I can see PhilharMagic being added to WDS (perhaps with updated visuals since it would be in many years' time), whilst the stage could be used for a large stage musical show like Legend of the Lion King...  Whilst this would be quite good, I think Animagique deserves to stay in the park at least until 2007, and perhaps even till 2012.  They should definately change the scenes every few years though.  Adding in Little Mermaid was good because it gave guests something different to see - it'd be nice if they did that again in a few years but perhaps added, rather than replaced, a scene - the show always seems VERY short to me...

What does everyone else think of the show?

btw, yes the Pink Elephants ROCK!!!  They SO need to sell plushes of them!  Thinking about it, wouldn't a shop at the exit of Animagique be a cool idea?  They could make some awesome exclusive merchandise for that show... (so long as they put more effort into it than they did with the LOTLK and SM:M2 merchandise).


:o I kind of assumed that the bigger puppets would have more people controlling them... :P my fave puppets were the two fish on either side of the theatre during The Little Mermaid scene, and the one bird that appears during The Lion King scene...they're controlled by one person each, but it's so great how they move, kind of like kites!

I would've liked to have seen the Monstro scene, but The Little Mermaid scene is one of my faves, so I can't fault it... :D it was so cool when bubbles started raining from the ceiling!

:) I saw it 3 times whilst we were there, it never got old in my view... :o I hope it stays there for many years to come! I agree though, it would be nice if they added/changed some scenes every so often...

8) :lol: The Pink Elephants were my fave part of the show...I couldn't believe it when that giant one popped up! And they were such a bright neon pink, it was brilliant! They should definatly make Animagique plushies, not only do I love the Pink Elephants, I love the neon-coloured version of Baloo too!


Oh Animagique is in my opinion the best attraction in the WDS. That's because it's so alive and it gives you a lot of joy and it's also very emotional. As I first saw it with my brother in Jan 2004 we were so fascinated that we had little tears in our eyes. I know, we're crazy.  :oops:  I saw it again on my last trip of course and my husband, who's not really a big fan of Disney music was strangely enjoying this show too. He was clapping his hands and singing la,la,la,la,la Animagique. Yes the little mermaid and the Dumbo scenes are the bests. But I do love the effect with the butterflies very much too. I hope the show will stay till 2012 or even longer. Of course a shop with exclusive Animagique plush puppies would be very cool.  :wink:

La,la,la,la Animagique !!
Oh Boy ! \":mickey2:\"


:P I got a tad emotional when The Circle of Life started playing... XD I always do when I hear that song... :) it's nice though seeing adults enjoy the show, especially grown men... :lol: the guy sat behind us was tapping his feet and humming all the way through, and it didn't bug me at all! :) I don't think you ever get too old for Disney though...I'm 18 now, and I'm more into Disney than ever!


Animagique is very cool, but too nice!  They should add a villain in it!  Wasn't Maleficent part of the show in the beginning?  And Aurore?


Quote from: "raptor1982"Animagique is very cool, but too nice!  They should add a villain in it!  Wasn't Maleficent part of the show in the beginning?  And Aurore?
XDDD Just the thought of Donald Duck meeting Maleficent makes me giggle...